Pro 3 Extruder (Hotend) Controller Board
Due to supply shortage of the STM MCUs, Raise3D has changed the chip to GD32 MCU.
Visible in the photos below.
If you are replacing the Pro 3 Extruder (Hotend) Controller Board please verify which version is on your original board.
If you have the same Chip on your replacement board no further action is needed.
However if you have received the GD32 Chip and your printer comes with the STM chip follow the guide below to update the firmware.
1. Upgrade RaiseTouch to 1.6.1.
Download can be found here:
2. Update you Motion Control Board to version 1.3 or latest.
Download can be found here :
3. Put the file to update the Extruder Controller Board attached to this Guide, on a formated fat32 USB-Stick in the root directory.
4. Press the Print Menu and select the file Pro3-GD32-HCB-M2-1.2.0310.mcuconfirm
5. Please wait until the update is finished.
A restart might be needed after the update has been successful for the printer to recognize the print heads.
If you have received STM32 MCU but your machine has a GD32. Please install the latest version off RaiseTouch, It will include the firmware for the STM Hotend Controller Board.