
This guide is based on guides provided by Sinterit and focuses on installing the official sparepart for the machine that is provided by Sinterit. Although it may be feasible to repurpose the old components in order to create a makeshift solution using new rope, such an approach is not advisable. It is important to note that any deviation from the guide may not be covered by warranty in the event of any failure or damage.


1) Unlock machine

Turn on the printer and wait until the main menu is loaded. Unlock the printer’s Lid: press "UNLOCK LID/OVERFLOW BIN" button on the screen. Softly press and then open the Lid. You have a 10 second window to open the door before the lock activates again

2) Remove anchor points

Once open, power down the machine and remove both anchor points for the old short recoater cord. Each anchor point is held with four 2mm Hex screws

3) Free cord from roller mechanism

Once removed, the cord will need to be decoupled from the gear mechanism that rotates the roller. Carefully minipulate the cord out of the gears before then slipping the anchor point through the roller assembly to free it.

Note: Limit the contact with the roller, as excessive interaction may lead to damage or irregularities on the roller's surface

Below picture illustrates the path taken by the cord as it moves through the roller mechanism (upside down).

4) Clean the bearings

This is now a chance to clean and lubricate the roller assembly, particularly the powder roller and the plastic rollers that the cord interacts with. Instead of bearings, a screw with washers is utilized, and the plastic rollers rotate around this screw acting as an axle. Compressed air should be plenty, however if you do disassemble the rollers, ensure that you reassemble everything precisely as it was.

5) Install the new short recoater cord

Once the old cord is free, reverse the process with the new cord. Again avoid scratching or touching the roller, and make sure the anchor points corresponded the old cord locations. If the anchor with the spring was on the left side, install the new cord with the spring anchor on the left side.

6) Test the new cord by homing

Once the new recoater cord is installed and tight, start the machine. Once at the home menu, select "CONTROL PANEL" and then "MOTORS" which should provide a yes or no prompt regarding if it should home all motors. Accepting should then show a disclaimer before beginning the homing process. Homing is possible while the lid is open so it is easily observable if there are any issues with the recoater and the new cord.

end of guide